All about Yorkshire Terriers and Yorkie
Yorkshire Terriers and Yorkie puppies seem oblivious to their size - always eager for adventure and mischief.
They are busy, inquisitive, bold stubborn and can be aggressive to strange dogs and other animals - true to
their terrier roots! Although they have a reputation for incessant barking,
Yorkie puppies can easily be trained not to do this.
The Yorkie was bred in the mid 19th century in the north of England, where
miners needed a small, sturdy terrier to keep down the number of rats underground. This early dog was eventually refined by breeders to produce a smaller, prettier animal which was more of a fashion accessory than a worker!
Yorkshire Terriers are a longhaired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight on each side of its body. The Yorkie is one of the worlds smallest dogs and should not exceed 7lbs in weight.
Yorkie puppies are fully mature in two years, compact in size, sweet in nature and cheerful in character.
Yorkshire Terriers at a glance
Our 4 Paw Rating - to the suitability of Yorkshire Terriers for your home and lifestyle

Shoulder height up to 9 inches, weight 5 - 7 lbs
Coat Care
Yorkshire Terriers have very long silky hair - intensive brushing is required on a daily basis. If this is too time consuming, it should be professionally trimmed. The hair is usually kept out of the
eyes with a rubber band or ribbon
Family Life
Yorkshire Terriers are tolerant of children, providing they show respect!
They have been
known to be a bit too brave for there own good!
Yorkshire Terriers become very attached to their family, bright and intelligent
will bark when they sense danger
Life expectancy 14 - 16 years.
Tests for liver ultrasound, knee and eye recommended

Yorkshire Terriers are happy to walk for miles or just potter around the yard or go
on a lead walk - will adapt to the exercise regime of your family
Providing consistency is shown, Yorkshire Terriers will learn quickly
Terrier Secrets New
Discover How to make your Yorkie happy healthy and obedient!
Puppy & Dog
We help you with basic puppy and dog training then show you the best places to learn how to have the most
perfectly behaved dog.
All puppies need potty training and
house training dogs is simple. Again we show you the basics then show you
the best places on the internet to learn more.
Dog Health
Learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy. Prevent illness and
find the right pet medicines.
Information on dog
flea control, and worms. Also Frontline
Plus, Advantage and Heartgard.
See also: [Dog Breeds]
[Choosing A Dog]