All About Sheltie puppies
puppies (also know as the Shetland) are great companion dogs
gentle, sensitive and one of the most intelligent breeds. They are extremely tolerant, which makes them good for family life.
Sheltie puppies and dogs have an incredibly strong herding instinct which stays with
them, they love to chase things this can sadly end in disaster sometimes as they are prone to chase cars and must be trained out of
this habit at the earliest chance.
Shelties are a smaller version of the earlier sheepdogs used off the North Scotland
coast for keeping sheep, ponies and hens under control. The sheltie looks a bit like a miniature Rough Collie. Now rarely used for sheep
herding, it is a very popular breed in Japan and becoming increasingly
popular in Great Britain as a companion dog.
Sheltie puppies at a glance
Our 4 Paw Rating - to the suitability of Sheltie
puppies for your home and lifestyle
14 to 15 inches at shoulder
Coat Care
The sheltie has a profuse main and requires regular thorough
grooming to prevent tangling in the coat
Family Life   
Sheltie puppies need people and must be raised in a home where they can have lots of
Sheltie puppies will settle okay to apartment living as long as exercised well, they are
extremely active when out, and do not demand a back yard
Life expectancy 12 -14 years
Eye and knee tests recommended do not over feed a Sheltie
This active little dog needs plenty of free running exercise, ensure that
he is in a safe environment especially because of his herding tendency
Easy to train, Sheltie puppies love to learn and really enjoy agility type exercise.
They have a tendency to bark, and this must be trained out at an early age if
you want a quiet life!
The ultimate A-Z of
dog names Best Seller
Choosing a name for your puppy? We have put together 26,649 dog
names in one place. Plus Free a bonus report.
Puppy & Dog
We help you with basic puppy and dog training then show you the best places to learn how to have the most
perfectly behaved dog.
All puppies need potty training and
house training dogs is simple. Again we show you the basics then show you
the best places on the internet to learn more.
Dog Health
Learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy. Prevent illness and
find the right pet medicines.
Information on dog
flea control, and worms. Also Frontline
Plus, Advantage and Heartgard.
See also: [Choosing A
Dog] [Dog Breeds]