All about American Pitbull puppies
On first sight even American Pitbull puppies are formidable creatures,
appearing full of passion and power with an undying desire to please.
Muscular and stocky, yet extremely agile, the American Pit
Bull Terrier traditionally had clipped ears and a docked tail, however this
practice is now illegal in many countries.
The characteristics of American Pitbull dogs have provoked extreme
reactions in people over the years, but they are by no means 'people
haters' or even 'people eaters'! American Pitbull puppies have a natural aggression toward
other dogs, not people. However, if properly trained, socialised and
managed from an early age, this aggression will not be seen.
American Pit bull puppies, can be a funny, affectionate and extremely
loyal family pet.
Highly protective of its owners, and property, American Pitbull dogs
will fight an enemy to the death. American Pitbull puppies seem to have an uncanny instinct to know when to
protect and when everything is okay. However, they can be a wilful breed and need a firm hand.
In general American Pitbull puppies are very friendly, but are not recommended for most
people due to the strong training and general management regime required to ensure they are good family pets.
Originally bred as fighting dogs, the American Pitbull dogs may
attack the throat of a strange dog. The continued promotion of the fighting instinct amongst less credible breeders, continues to give the American Pitbull puppies
a bad name.
American Pitbull puppies at a glance
Our 4 Paw Rating - to the suitability of American Pit bull
Terriers for your home and lifestyle
Shoulder height 18 - 22 inches, weight 35 - 55lbs
Care short coat, very little grooming required
Family Life 
Not generally considered an ideal family pet, due to the intense training regime required
Best suited to those who have a backyard, they are very active
Life expectancy up to 12 years
Hip check recommended
American Pitbull puppies are very energetic dogs, who need frequent and thorough exercise. Should be kept leashed in public to avoid confrontation with
other dogs
Early, consistent and extremely thorough training and socialising required from an early age. Specialist training groups are
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Puppy & Dog
We help you with basic puppy and dog training then show you the best places to learn how to have the most
perfectly behaved dog.
All puppies need potty training and
house training dogs is simple. Again we show you the basics then show you
the best places on the internet to learn more.
Dog Health
Learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy. Prevent illness and
find the right pet medicines.
Information on dog
flea control, and worms. Also Frontline
Plus, Advantage and Heartgard.
See also: [Dog Breeds]
[Choosing A Dog]