All about Doberman puppies
Doberman puppies (full name Doberman Pinscher) are a very elegant and
muscular dog above all Dobermans are extremely powerful.
Doberman puppies were bred for more than a hundred years to be guard dogs,
and are possibly the best breed for this task. They are intense, energetic with enormous strength and stamina.
Doberman Pinscher versatility and intelligence makes them easy to train it is
determined, fearless and assertive, but not generally vicious.
Dobermans are very loyal and affectionate with their human family
it likes to be physically close to the family.
Doberman puppies must have an owner who is willing and able to discipline the dog, without being afraid of him. It is important that all
family members are taught to handle the dog properly, as Dobermans have a tendency to become 'pushy' if allowed to have their own way
too much.
It is essential that Doberman puppies are very well socialised at a
young age, to prevent over protectiveness continuous mental stimulation is important for a well adjusted and happy dog.
Dobermans can be good family pets if of good temperament, well trained
and brought up with children from an early age. Doberman puppies must be consistently and thoroughly trained in order to be a good pet,
training should be through positive reinforcement techniques.
Dobermans were created in the 1880's by a German tax collector,
who wanted a medium sized watch dog, to protect him while he was working. It is thought that he used Rottweilers, German Pinschers,
Weimaraners and possibly Manchester Terriers, to produce the breed.
Arguably, the best guard dog in existence, Dobermans
are used
extensively throughout the world by police and security forces. A tough and somewhat formidable animal, they will usually only attack
if provoked.
Doberman puppies at a glance
Our 4 Paw Rating - to the suitability of Dobermans
for your home and lifestyle.
Shoulder height25 27 inches, weight 66 88lbs
Coat Care 
Short coat, very little grooming required
Family Life  
Can make good family dogs, as long as well trained, usually best with experienced owners. The females tend to be a little more stubborn to train than the males.
Dobermans have a reputation
for being an aggressive dog, this is not usually the case. They make
great 'therapy' dogs and are often used with nursing home patients, because of their sweet and gentle
Best suited to those who have a backyard and places for free running, and an active life. They are very sensitive to cold and
should not be left to live outdoors
Life expectancy up to 13 years
Full veterinary check suggested before purchase
Very energetic dogs, who need frequent and thorough exercise
Although the temperaments vary enormously between individual dogs, some can actually be extremely submissive! In
general terms, Doberman puppies need early, consistent and extremely thorough training and socialising from an early age. Formal training groups are
Puppy & Dog
We help you with basic puppy and dog training then show you the best places to learn how to have the most
perfectly behaved dog.
Training Dogs
All puppies need potty training and house training dogs is
simple. Again we show you the basics then show you the best
places on the internet to learn more.
Dog Health
Learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy. Prevent illness and
find the right pet medicines.
Information on dog
flea control, and worms. Also Frontline
Plus, Advantage and Heartgard.
See also: [Dog Breeds]
[Choosing A Dog]