All about Chihuahuas, Chihuahua puppies and dogs
Chihuahua dogs are widely recognised as the smallest dog in the
world and Chihuahua puppies are even smaller!
They are spirited, intelligent and even tempered. They adore human
companionship but need careful handling because of their small size.
Chihuahuas and Chihuahua puppies like children and other pets, however they can easily be treated
mistakenly as 'toys' and be seriously harmed in rough play.
Most reputable breeders would recommend 'adopting'
Chihuahua puppies between the ages of 4 and 12 months when they are a little more agile and
not so prone to injury.
Chihuahua puppies are eager to learn, although they are not usually trained due to their
tiny size.
Chihuahua puppies come with two coat types, long and close they require
grooming and regular claw trims, also dental check to keep an eye on tartar
build up.
They have been around for several hundred years, although their exact
origin is disputed. American tourists brought specimens in the mid 1800's
and subsequently this little dog became one of the most popular breeds in
North America.
Chihuahua puppies at a glance
Our 4 Paw Rating - to the suitability of
Chihuahuas and
Chihuahuas puppies for your home and lifestyle
Shoulder height 6 - 9inches, weight 2 - 4lbs
Coat Care
Chihuahua puppies require regular brushing and combing required
Family Life  
Usually bonds with only one person, not suitable for household with boisterous
children and other pets due to its very small size
Ideal for apartment living, loves human attention suit less active person
Life expectancy 14 - 18 years
Cardiac and knee tests recommended for
Chihuahua puppies. A soft spot in the skull is a common
breed trait
Can usually get sufficient exercise by running around the apartment
Chihuahua puppies are not usually trained due to their tiny size, but
are keen to please!
Chihuahuas Secrets New
Discover How to make your Boxer dog happy healthy and obedient!
Puppy & Dog
We help you with basic puppy and dog training then show you the best places to learn how to have the most
perfectly behaved dog.
All puppies need potty training and
house training dogs is simple. Again we show you the basics then show you
the best places on the internet to learn more.
Dog Health
Learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy. Prevent illness and
find the right pet medicines.
Information on dog
flea control, and worms. Also Frontline
Plus, Advantage and Heartgard.
See also: [Dog Breeds]
[Choosing A Dog]