Cairn Terrier
You will not find two Cairn Terriers who are truly alike, as each has
its own distinct personality and character. Generally independent, the Cairn Terrier
will sit on your lap for a few minutes, but will soon be wriggling and
keen to explore!
Cairn Terrier puppies need to know who is in charge, otherwise they
will have a good go at being in charge of the house themselves!
Cairn Terriers have an inborn love of children, and being physically tough, are
able to overlook the odd squashed feed and clumsy mishaps from over-zealous little people!
Thriving on attention, the training of a Cairn Terrier will suffer
without constant input from the humans they also love to dig, so be
warned don't leave your puppy alone with the flower bed in your back yard!
Bred over 200 years ago on the ancient Isle of Skye and in the Scottish
Highlands, these dogs originally earned their dinner by chasing out vermin from the rock piles (known in Scotland as cairns). They were
highly prized for their working ability, rather than their looks.
Courage, tenacity with a waterproof coat and strong jaws
Cairn Terriers were much sought after by generation after generation. Even today the
breed is true to it's ancestry with strong jaws and big feet, with strong
pads and tough nails for better digging and a fearless streak that will
doubtless get him into trouble if his owners are not responsible!
Cairn Terrier at a glance
Our 4 Paw Rating - to the suitability of the Cairn Terrier
for your home and lifestyle.
11 12.5 inches at shoulder, weight 13 16 lbs
Coat Care  
Double layered waterproof coat, with wiry top coat and soft, short undercoat brushing once a week is usually sufficient
Family Life   
Loves children and people, and will bond with the whole family. Needs early socializing with other animals.
Due to his size and exercise requirements, equally suited to a small
house as one with a huge backyard. Happy with apartment living, as long as he gets plenty of attention!
Life span regularly 14 - 15 years
Can easily become overweight, so activity and diet must be controlled
Very energetic breed, loves to have free running and jumping in open
spaces but ensure that he is trained to return to you when called
Training must be loving and gentle, whilst being consistent and
Puppy & Dog
We help you with basic puppy and dog training then show you the best places to learn how to have the most
perfectly behaved dog.
All puppies need potty training and
house training dogs is simple. Again we show you the basics then show you
the best places on the internet to learn more.
Dog Health
Learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy. Prevent illness and
find the right pet medicines.
Information on dog
flea control, and worms. Also Frontline
Plus, Advantage and Heartgard.
See also: [Dog Breeds]
[Choosing A Dog]